Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jozi Art Outing!!

 This time last year, we took the students to the annual Herbert Evans art sale at Rosebank Mall. We spent the morning shopping and visited the contemporary Everard Read & Circa Gallery afterwards. We spent a great time there and ended with a braai and an art movie back at the Kenosis Studio. All-in-all a great day out!

Well, it's that time of the year again! Saturday, 6 August we will set off again, this time starting at the Everard Read and Circa Galleries to give us more time, and ending off at Herbert Evans (remember, up to 50% off). From there, well, who knows.....

We like to car pool so let us know who is interested, you can email us at
(no cost other than sharing fuel costs, just biiiiiiiig buck for the sale!!!!)

If you can't make it, make sure you find yourself at Herbert Evans some time during August, lots of awesome art goodies, and for goodness sake, get to some art galleries while you're there :)

Everard Read & Circa August exhibition: Pauline Gutter, Walter Voigt, Brennan Seward
Circa: Andries Botha (walkabout: 6 August, 10am)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Drama Students

With the next drama course around the corner, here's a quick look at some of the portfolio shots of the previous students (all in fancy dress...). These photos (along with the rest of the headshots) get sent to a casting agency. The video above contains some behind the scenes footage as well as additional info about this awesome course. Don't miss this one!!

The next 8 week drama course starts on Monday,  8 August 2011 @ the Kenosis Studio, Vanderbijlpark. For more info contact Francois at

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Photo Club @ Eco park

The Photo club decided that 6:30 on a Winter's morning would be a great time to go and wonder around Eco park in Vaalpark for some sunrise shots. So off we went on Saturday morning... The sky was clear and as the sun rose, a beautiful orange cast filled the crisp air. Lovely.

Meetings @ 18:30 every last Tuesday of every month. This month's assignment "low key, b&w portrait". The next meeting's demonstration will involve underwater product splashes.
To join the Photo Club email or phone 01 932 2397 for more info.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Making sure our booth stood out at the local (Valie) NG bazaar was quite a bit of fun :)