Friday, April 16, 2010

Primary School

Ages 6 - 11

Through imaginative, creative and social stimulation, our youngest students have proven over and over again that they too have the potential to grow into young Picassos, Da Vincis and Cezannes!

High School

Teenagers' artworks (Aged 12 - 16)

Students under the age of 12 are exposed to a very wide range of mediums and creative and sensory stimulation, whereas young students over the age of 12 are encouraged to think more conceptually and our focus turns towards teaching proper technique through the basic elements of drawing and colour media.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

2009 Student art exhibition

We were very pleased with the large turnout and amazing response to the artworks with the opening of the annual student exhibition in November last year. We were proud to present the body of work to the public and enjoyed the variety of technique and talent that was up for show.

We hope that this year's exhibition will prove to be as, if not more, successful!

Kenosis blog

With this blog we hope to show you more about contemporary art, arts and crafts, illustration, photography and design.

Kenosis is an art school that offers art to adults, students and children alike. Lessons include drawing, painting, mixed media, conceptual thinking as well as crafts like mosaic.

We are also running photography and photoshop courses!