Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Art outing

I am so glad that we decided to visit Everard Read and Circa before going to Herbert Evans this year! Our students made up about a third of the group for Andries Botha's (In)somium exhibition at the Circa. What a treat!

This piece was delivered late so we got to see the team colour bronze it before the walkabout.

The piece above was exhibited in a darkened show room - very eery with blue light arrows. I decided not to take my own camera along, so keep in mind that with the press and shoot (that has no flash setting.....) the piece looks quite different.

After a few finising touches on the bronze head, Andries proceeded to lead us through an insightful process of his work. I was very encouraged and inspired by his conviction about his own art and know that the rest of the students found it equally stimulating.

Visit his site to read about his work.