Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Photography and Photoshop Student Exhibition

Pop in at our Photography and Photoshop Student Exhibition this Friday, 4 June @ the Beach House, VDB. The Photography Club will be discussed and certificates will be handed out to all those who completed the various courses.

Everyone is welcome!

Moving house

The time has finally arrived for us to move to a new, and in fact MUCH larger studio. It has been a crazy ride to get here, but the small studio can no longer accommodate everything that is happening at kenosis and with the welcome addition of two new team members, we're on our way! Children (and yourselves I'm sure) will enjoy a seperate outside cottage to play and paint in while the swimming pool may offer a refreshing alternative to cleaning off after a hard day's painting.

We are so excited about the new venue (that allows plenty space for gigantic canvasses, bucket loads of splatter as well as enough room for still lifes consisting of several small horses) that we want to make sure everything is in order for when the art classes start again. We have therefor decided to give our hard-working students next week off and will resume classes on the 14th of June.

The NEW kenosis studio is on the corner of Theal street and Louw Wepener street (off Frikkie Meyer Boulevard), Vanderbijlpark. No contact number changes. For a newsletter and map to the studio, pop in at the current kenosis house @ 23 Bach street before Friday!

Let's make the most of our last week at the current kenosis studio, light that beautiful fireplace, and paint up a storm!